bilini replied to Considering using mods April 24, 2023 @ 10:25:02 am PDT
Le meilleur conseil?c'est de jouer normalement a l'ancienne quel interret de jouer avec des aides bidon?cela casse la vrais difficulté du jeux. Apprenais a jouer sans tricherie ou autre ,pourquoi toujours a chercher la facilité?c'est dommage dans arriver la.
The best advice is to play normally the old way, what's the point of playing with bogus aids? It breaks the real difficulty of the game. Learned to play without cheating or other, why always have to look for the easy way? It's a shame in arriving there.
The best advice is to play normally the old way, what's the point of playing with bogus aids? It breaks the real difficulty of the game. Learned to play without cheating or other, why always have to look for the easy way? It's a shame in arriving there.
8:13 pm, April 24, 2023