Knightframe replied to [Spoilers] Info on the new armor for those interested November 25, 2021 @ 2:44:44 pm PST

Originally posted by UberRod:
This armor is pretty much same armor-wise to the Bronze Armor set. The poison resist helmet and piercing resist chest piece plus the overall set bonus is really cool.

The problem is by the time you kill enough Abominations to get a fully upgraded set you will most likely have enough iron to jump to the iron armor and bypass this all together. The poison resist helmet is nice, but if you are in a Crypt, you would most likely be using the light circlet from the Merchant, so it won't benefit you much.

Abominations, being tree creatures would best be found in the Black Forest. While the armor set is cool, I don't think it will be used much.

You could skip iron armor till you get silver, but you will still have to be carefull in mountains.
If you dont get hit, you could probaly kill morder in it.
It is however totaly usless in plains (and fire area), as shamans will burn you like a candle.

However i can see this armor still be usefull just for normal farming, so you dont have to run araund naked for maximum speed. Gathering and hunting pretty much.
Not sure how much poision resistance helps, but if lets you skip potions, you can also farm slimes with it.

There is a good chance we will see another type of light armor from mountain area in next patch that could fill the void.
12:13 am, November 26, 2021
Knightframe 0 comments 0 likes