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Valheim General Discussions, Items Found: 10k+

Has anyone actually solved spawns in base

I've read so much conflicting info on this...-hoe the ground-place workbenches-no, you gotta cover the workbenchesEveryone seems to have an answer until someone else jumps in saying they tried the sam..
9:13 am, December 13, 2022
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Chicken Saturation point

Anyone know about how many chickens you can have in a given area? Mine have stopped laying eggs no matter how much I feed them.Tried butchering a few of them; still no eggs
9:13 am, December 13, 2022
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Do Surtling cores respawn?

Y'know, like other pickup-able resources. Do they restore after a rest?
9:13 am, December 13, 2022
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explain like im stupid plz...

what kind of drugs do goblins do that lets them swim what equates to 11 nautical miles after a ship under sail in the middle of the ocean to sink my karve with thrown rocks while their swimming...seri..
9:13 am, December 13, 2022
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Plains and yagluth too hard

I have almost 200 hours in this game and have enjoyed every minute of it. My friend has the same and has unlocked many new items in the Mistlands. We have tried to defeat Yagluth together several time..
9:13 am, December 13, 2022
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1 star wolf taming/breeding

Hey guysI just found a 1 Star wolf and managed to tame him, (there was an another regular wolf in the Pen but he somehow disappeared) I remember like a year ago people talking about the "tricks&q..
6:13 am, December 13, 2022
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how to be japanese mc in this game?

like i just farming and eat vegetarian food from forestthen some goblin come attack me with pefect soldier equipment then they also have witch fire magic xDif i cant live peace here, i will just gonna..
6:13 am, December 13, 2022
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anyone wanna help me kill yagluth or give me his trophy and items =p

i have the armor the food and weapons to fight him but hes kicking my ass repeatedly xD i just wanna mistlands
6:13 am, December 13, 2022
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Why in Odin's name does it also attack you?
6:13 am, December 13, 2022
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I want to Mistland malutiplayer.. Itemu,wepon, craft Freedom!

kazubooksSEED Gza6pyRRmJPASS 5656
6:13 am, December 13, 2022
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WAAAAAYY overpowered

This game should not be dying and returning to body and dying, and being a victim of stamina, all while the enemy has ZERO stamina restrictions and cant be hurt, all while being swarmed. NERF PLZ. The..
6:13 am, December 13, 2022
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Does the Mistlands ever become visually appealing?

I ask this from an exploration perspective. I always love finding new lands, especially mountainous or hilly areas where I can see from great vistas. Is this possible in Mistlands or does the mist obs..
3:13 am, December 13, 2022
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Cannot fish with Spears???

I am a sharp eye when it comes to throwing spears, I can hit just about any mob without issue using the secondary attack. Except fish.What gives? Point-blank hits to their scaly sides does nothing! Do..
3:13 am, December 13, 2022
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Killing the tamed boars

How do I kill the tamed jovalis??
3:13 am, December 13, 2022
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So Ocean biome is next?

And then it's a release?
3:13 am, December 13, 2022
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cant play with friends?

I keep getting disconnected, with the message just saying "disconnected". I restarted the game, my computer, my friend restarted his server. I can play anything else fine, and was even fine ..
3:13 am, December 13, 2022
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Got ganked by a troll in the Black Forest

I am like 95% certain it literally spawned right outside my house. Pain
3:13 am, December 13, 2022
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Not diggin' Mistlands [3 Bad+3 Good Things]

I'll keep at it, but I have some problems with the design.The bad things I find are:1. Nearly unnavigable terrain.2. Not enough armor/protection available, and/or overtuned monster damage. 3. Monster ..
12:13 am, December 13, 2022
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I stream Valheim!

Come hangout or play with me and my brother! I am generally new at this game. I have been playing over a week and i haven't defeated morder yet but i plan to soon. message me if you want to join and i..
12:13 am, December 13, 2022
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Building support question

Does a building that is built with a strong foundation “all blue” mean it also takes more damage when trees fall on it, player greifing, or troll attacks? Or does it simply mean you can build more..
12:13 am, December 13, 2022
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New play through?

I was wondering if anybody wanted to do a new play through together, probably 2-4 players, I want it to be a mostly slower- building oriented play through.Edit: Just thought of an idea where we would ..
12:13 am, December 13, 2022
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Why can Draugrs (and others) still shoot arrows/attack while completely underwater?

Don't tell me its intentional that enemys just casually walk under water and shoot at me while 2m under water? Like okay let them swim but nerf them in a way the players abilitys are nerfed while in w..
12:13 am, December 13, 2022
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Found some kind of design

I was leveling the land for my base and discovered a bird like design buried in the ground. I can dig down and the design remains. Can't cultivate over it
12:13 am, December 13, 2022
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Can we please appreciate the soundtrack!?

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ it's so good. Eikthyr got me hooked, and every subsequent boss fight has me pumped to hear more. WARRRRRRCRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYY
9:13 pm, December 12, 2022
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commands for remove the mist ?

It is possible to remove the mist with console commands ?
9:13 pm, December 12, 2022
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Help ! My build menu is missing items!

The hammer "buildings" menu grid of items you can build is 13 x 7. Problem is... After visiting the Mistlands and picked up some Black Marble... I can no longer see everything that is possib..
9:13 pm, December 12, 2022
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The best thing about Mistlands

Think about it. Wisp torches. It literally brings electric lighting to Valheim. I have been gradually converting to wisp lights on all my bases. I've cut my need for resin and grey dwarf eyes by 2/3 a..
9:13 pm, December 12, 2022
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How tall dirt wall do out need to contain Bonemass?

I'm looking into possible ways of cheesing the fight. Right now thinking about first making a perimeter from 3 raise the ground and then having outside of that perimeter a dirt pillar from which I cou..
9:13 pm, December 12, 2022
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Did movement speed change?

Is it the animation or the player speed that changed? Maybe both? Or perhaps it's a bug? I don't like the change, personally. Gives the game a different feel like you're genuinely slower.Comparison be..
9:13 pm, December 12, 2022
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How to disable world save ?

Hi everyone ! Someone know how to disable world save ? I really dont care about that copy, so its creating unnecessary files.Thanks!
6:13 pm, December 12, 2022
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Looking to update bepinex

the friend that knows where this new mistlands update to bepinex is currently offline. Can anyone show me where the update is?Is it on github? any google search shows me the version 6months ago on thu..
6:13 pm, December 12, 2022
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any corpse recovery ?

so died in a dungeon in the swamp right next to a spawner , theres 2 archers up that even in my back up gear and full food one shot me ive died about 15 times and im pretty confident theres no getting..
6:13 pm, December 12, 2022
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No more offline LAN

I'm posting this because the relevant thread was deleted by a mod for some stupid reason. To all who are returning for a Mistalnds play-though you can no longer play offline LAN. This probably changed..
6:13 pm, December 12, 2022
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Questions, questions [pt.1]

These came up when I restarted Valheim with a friend to check new areas and overall update. Not yet touched Mistlands, just what came along:1. Why there’s no clothing giving warmth? Take two steps a..
6:13 pm, December 12, 2022
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Are there open servers?

Trying to find a world that has a community
6:13 pm, December 12, 2022
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Prepared for „They sought you out“

Dear fellow vikings,so, i guess i’ve prepared my base as good as i can for the „They sought you out event“. I‘ll give a report once the event occurred.
3:13 pm, December 12, 2022
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Why did they make all the bosses so easy

going through the mistlands with a fresh character ive noticed that the biome bosses are so weak before this patch it took ages to pass bone mass and yagluth but now we did each in under an hour i fee..
3:13 pm, December 12, 2022
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the big sail boat

we should be able to place chest on deck floor, because the boats storage just isn't enough.
3:13 pm, December 12, 2022
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Does anyone know why the gave constantly freezes for 1-2 seconds every so often?

So im hosting a server (but it even happens offline) for me and my friends, All of my friends are getting constant freezes for like 1-2 seconds every so often. They DO NOT happen at the same time, and..
3:13 pm, December 12, 2022
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Looking for new ppl too play with.

Looking for new ppl too play with.
3:13 pm, December 12, 2022
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Construction Problem...

I can't align the items I want to place... There's a function... "Alternative Placement" that I don't know how it works, but I simply can't place stuff even using this Alternative Placement...
3:13 pm, December 12, 2022
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Egg trigger

Is there a trigger necessary for haldor to have eggs in his inventory?
3:13 pm, December 12, 2022
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for the love of god make the bosses in this game not empty shells

they got like 3 moves each really bad ai and they are just not hard at all like i would love to see more depth to them i know this is a crazy idea but maybe make them feel like an actual threat i do l..
12:13 pm, December 12, 2022
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why is the game asking for a password
12:13 pm, December 12, 2022
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needs ALOT of work...............

1: Patches causes unintended glitches and delete things, even restores dont work all the time 2: once you get the swamp key there needs to be away to show where to go to next i searched for 3 hours vi..
12:13 pm, December 12, 2022
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The REAL issue with the Mistlands update...

Why is there 0 new food recipes that reqiure barley flour?
12:13 pm, December 12, 2022
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Ward damage reduction.

I use wards for spawn protection and structure damage resistance from mobs. I have used this method for months and have witnessed the difference between unwarded structure damage and warded damage. Do..
12:13 pm, December 12, 2022
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Disposing old items?

Did they ever add a way of properly ditching your old gear or other junk you don't want or do we still need to go drop it off far away somewhere so it despawns?
12:13 pm, December 12, 2022
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DEVS! Why they "Sought" me? When i didnt kill their boss?

So all this unfair challanges what Mistlands brings i can leave with, or at least try to but this one? The random base raid event comes when i try to grind my gear up to date in the mistlands. In 20-3..
12:13 pm, December 12, 2022
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Mountains with no caves?

I am in Iron armor and weapons looking to find large mountain ranges with caves to explore. However every mountainous area I come across isnt that large and has no caves. I'm using the first seed from..
9:13 am, December 12, 2022
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On this page
Has anyone actually solved spawns in base Chicken Saturation point Do Surtling cores respawn? explain like im stupid plz... Plains and yagluth too hard 1 star wolf taming/breeding how to be japanese mc in this game? anyone wanna help me kill yagluth or give me his trophy and items =p Ballista? I want to Mistland malutiplayer.. Itemu,wepon, craft Freedom! WAAAAAYY overpowered Does the Mistlands ever become visually appealing? Cannot fish with Spears??? Killing the tamed boars So Ocean biome is next? cant play with friends? Got ganked by a troll in the Black Forest Not diggin' Mistlands [3 Bad+3 Good Things] I stream Valheim! Building support question New play through? Why can Draugrs (and others) still shoot arrows/attack while completely underwater? Found some kind of design Can we please appreciate the soundtrack!? commands for remove the mist ? Help ! My build menu is missing items! The best thing about Mistlands How tall dirt wall do out need to contain Bonemass? Did movement speed change? How to disable world save ? Looking to update bepinex any corpse recovery ? No more offline LAN Questions, questions [pt.1] Are there open servers? Prepared for „They sought you out“ Why did they make all the bosses so easy the big sail boat Does anyone know why the gave constantly freezes for 1-2 seconds every so often? Looking for new ppl too play with. Construction Problem... Egg trigger for the love of god make the bosses in this game not empty shells PASSWORD? needs ALOT of work............... The REAL issue with the Mistlands update... Ward damage reduction. Disposing old items? DEVS! Why they "Sought" me? When i didnt kill their boss? Mountains with no caves?