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Valheim General Discussions, Items Found: 10k+

Update Delays

Is there any reason for such delays in the updates? This game was so, so epic and the lack of updates made it old and dull. Will the speed up the process?
8:13 pm, April 6, 2022
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Не могу убить прирученного кабана

подскажите как убить прирученного кабана а то раводить развожу а убить не могу
8:13 pm, April 6, 2022
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How i make a level 2 cauldron cant see the recipe?

I cant see the upgrades on the build mode any tips thanks.
8:13 pm, April 6, 2022
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finnes det en bedre måte og høste og så grønnsaker? hadde vært kjempe fint om vi må bruke 1-2 timer på dette hver gang. elsker spillet og kjempe gøy å lete etter ting. skulle ønske at sopper..
8:13 pm, April 6, 2022
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Old maps

I stoped to playing the game before H&H patch, do you guys can tell me if old maps get the new stuffs like snow caves or i need to start a new map?
5:13 pm, April 6, 2022
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Taming Wolves !!!!

Any advice please ? We have captured wolves at least 4 times over and every time they escape !!Watched videos ... build pen, get them to chase you then pen them in ... Did all that ... even built doub..
5:13 pm, April 6, 2022
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Running naked for tombstone retrieval

(if your carrying nothing,because you just died) can auto-pickup be disabled during this time? If you accidentally picked up an item while running, the context menu adds time to a panic situation and ..
5:13 pm, April 6, 2022
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How do you Prevent Mob spawn ( large areas)

what technique do you use:Workbenches Torchesor a particular building/s ?
2:13 pm, April 6, 2022
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Will the game ever be finished? or the devs will just leave us hanging.

I know making a game is not easy. But I really want to see Valheim be finished. I love this game and would like to return if more updates came.
8:13 am, April 6, 2022
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Pause Menu

How do i acess the pause menu, and change my settings while in game?game developers are trash and dont show how to do that in settings control
5:13 am, April 6, 2022
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Suggestions from 700+ hours player

700+ hours played, well thought out suggestions below.1) in the early game there should really be a step between the club and the bronze mace, its like going from tier 0 to tier 2.Maybe a bone mace or..
5:13 am, April 6, 2022
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Question about Mods:

is it possible to introduce mods to a dedicated server mid-play through? And if so is it hard to do? My server's population is starting a revolt against vanilla.
2:13 am, April 6, 2022
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Dismantle base?

If you dismantle your entire base do you get all the materials back or do somethings not give you full crafting cost back? For some reason I am under the impression you don't but I can't seem to remem..
2:13 am, April 6, 2022
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Upgrade / Skill / Advancement / Progression Tree

I've scoured the net and cannot find any CHART / TREE that shows the advancements needed or prereqs to advance to build certain items. Can anyone please help with a link to a page that shows this? It'..
11:13 pm, April 5, 2022
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bad seed for weather

I've played a fair few maps and recently moved to a new one due to having mainly cleared all mountains and swamps (a bit of same old place, so new must be more fun) but there is something strange. It ..
11:13 pm, April 5, 2022
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polearm best weapon?

here's why I can't get rid of my polearm: swords and maces are basic af, battleaxes are too slow, and spears are always out of range after a parry. is there anything that can change my mind on this?
8:13 pm, April 5, 2022
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Wolf healing system

Hey guys,I'm a little confused by the wolves healing system, I understand the basic as in, give them raw meat and they will heal (if they are hungry). Sometime they will heal for 100/200 points, somet..
2:13 pm, April 5, 2022
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Half and half

I was strip mining a mountain for stone and dug down deep enough that I hit black forest. Then this pine tree fell into the trench with me and now its half on the black forest biome and half on the mo..
11:13 am, April 5, 2022
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please help: how to spawn surtling fire geyser with dev commands?

does anyone know the dev command to create surtling fire geyser?
8:13 am, April 5, 2022
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Bridge Engineering Issue

So I got bored and decided it would be cool to make a bridge that crossed the river ravine. the problem is there seems to be a heig..
11:13 pm, April 4, 2022
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Wolf Massacre

I had a pack of 5 wolves and left them to go into a burial chamber. When I come back, all I find is wolf pelts. ??!? Is there some mechanic I missed. They were no-star wolves but still...
11:13 pm, April 4, 2022
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Skeletons in my rack

SO I was at my main base, big ole fence around it, inside my house when I got pulled away suddenly. (The joys of parenting) I was away for about 40 minutes, come back and apparently some skeletons, wh..
8:13 pm, April 4, 2022
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G-Portal loses all server date, for the second time!

I provide this as a warning to those people who are looking to rent a server, G-Portal has lost my server information on two separate occasions. On both occasions they tried to blame me for the issue,..
8:13 pm, April 4, 2022
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Перенос сервера

Есть локальный сервер на котором наиграно уже некоторое время. По понятным причинам захотелось сделать его в..
5:13 pm, April 4, 2022
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Spear Attack Change.

I love using the spear but I have noticed that almost every time if an enemy is anywhere below my characters height I rarely hit them. Is there a way the spear main attack could be a [/b]thrust from t..
5:13 pm, April 4, 2022
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Private serwer to public server

Hi. Is it possible to upload a private game save to a public server? I want to put the server on the g portal but with progress and I do not know if it is possible
11:13 am, April 4, 2022
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1 or more bases?

Ive currently still starting the iron stage of my map and I have a base but its about a day plus sailing from the swamps Ive found. Im considering either making a new base or moving completely. I wish..
11:13 am, April 4, 2022
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Minimalist camps for save points and exploring

I wanted to share my mini-bed-builds that have been a fun little pastime.Rather than the full expansive base, sometimes I just want a small something to sleep at. So far I have....https://steamcommuni..
11:13 am, April 4, 2022
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Valheim Steam cloud error

Valheim Steam cloud errorUnable to launch Valheim this morning. Am I the only one in this case? thank you if answer...
8:13 am, April 4, 2022
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Hearing "Chooks" in Valheim

Anyone else hear the chooks clucking every time they mine stone? Caution once heard it cannot be unheard!! :-)
2:13 am, April 4, 2022
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GPU Heating

I have a Question am I the only one who have the Problem ?I have an GTX 1660 Super and the GPU is going Crazy even if i have everything on Low and off. The Temp. is Going to 80 and sometimes more did ..
2:13 am, April 4, 2022
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best server hosting for valheim?

does anyone here use a dedicated server service? valheimserverhosting is one i looked at briefly, anyone use them, safe, secure, reliable?
2:13 am, April 4, 2022
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The Sea Serpant

Killed my first sea serpant and gathered up the trophy and meat he drops. Now when i attempt to cook it i get a message saying the cooking station isnt strong enough. Ive never seen any other expet th..
11:13 pm, April 3, 2022
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Small updates everyday?

I have it installed but haven't played in awhile .. Almost everyday I get a very small update, why is this? Is this a Steam thing? It doesn't happen with any other games.
11:13 pm, April 3, 2022
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I might be crazy... is there anyone else out there seeing what i see?

Has anyone else just stopped and really taken a gander at the smelters? Like different angles, different lighting. Am I simply looking for something that isn't there... or does anyone else see like fi..
11:13 pm, April 3, 2022
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Is there something wrong with me

I have a finewood bow and fire arrow thingies . . . but I haven't evolved from the rag tunic and no pants yet. Do I need help or not? Is it weird to not upgrade your armor until you realize you need t..
11:13 pm, April 3, 2022
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Can you ban console items from the Server?

I'm running a ValheimPlus server and wanted to know if there's any possible way to block the OP Console Sword from being used on the server. Ruins the game when someone gets on and chops down trees an..
5:13 pm, April 3, 2022
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Day 84 and found a great place to make a base.

Black forest surrounded by a swamp with lots of iron crypts and a bit a plains near by for later.I'll need to bring in some tin but won't need too much, might just bring some already made over or just..
2:13 pm, April 3, 2022
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How to make roof supports.

Kind of at a loss. I've put support beams up on the roofs that are straight, I've put up beams that are slanted and attached to the wall and then go down to the floor, I've tried attacking both them t..
8:13 am, April 3, 2022
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Is there a mod to make nighttime more dangerous?

So one thing I thought to myself was how after a certain point when you have a certain level of armor, you start to steamroll places you've been before, of course. Don't get me wrong, it's fantastic. ..
5:13 am, April 3, 2022
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What is one thing you love about the game?

For me, it's building in so many places along with exploring for new places to build.
5:13 am, April 3, 2022
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I wish We could Farm Thistles

I always Have to go in to the black forest for thistles So it would be very easy if you could farmi it :)
2:13 am, April 3, 2022
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building an additional base

I've just started the game and I read that you can build up to 8 additional bases. I'll be at a location and want to build a work bench to start this process and my menu will show the bench as an opti..
2:13 am, April 3, 2022
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Как убрать интерфейс?

Есть скрины со скрытым интерфейсом, кто-то знает как его убрать?
11:13 pm, April 2, 2022
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When valheim can be on sale?

Do you know something?
8:13 pm, April 2, 2022
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Pre-expansion world questions

Hey all,I haven't played in a bit and was wondering if the Ice Caves would spawn in my old world or if I need to start a new world to get the new zones or options.Thanks all!
8:13 pm, April 2, 2022
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I beat the game in 37 days! Here's my story:

Random seed, perma-death, no sleep, no cheese/exploits.Here's the map seed I had: Nx8RSMw5EwStory time!Meadows:Hugin drops me off and immediately I grab the free berries, mushrooms, rocks and branches..
8:13 pm, April 2, 2022
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Thanks to my merciful theoretical mechanics teacher!

I can't imagine how a man who doesn't know to lay the foundation passed the exam.
5:13 pm, April 2, 2022
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The elder boss fight really was just stand behind a pillar and shoot 100 arrows at him while he stands in one place 75 meters away and shoots an attack into the pillar you're standing behind. I was us..
5:13 pm, April 2, 2022
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Hearth, Iron Cooking Station and Comfort Level???

Hi, I just discovered the Hearth and Iron cooking station.Iam unable to get the Iron Cooking Station to cook meat over a Hearth. I put down two camp fires that work with two seperate cooking stations,..
5:13 pm, April 2, 2022
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On this page
Update Delays Не могу убить прирученного кабана How i make a level 2 cauldron cant see the recipe? farming Old maps Taming Wolves !!!! Running naked for tombstone retrieval How do you Prevent Mob spawn ( large areas) Will the game ever be finished? or the devs will just leave us hanging. Pause Menu Suggestions from 700+ hours player Question about Mods: Dismantle base? Upgrade / Skill / Advancement / Progression Tree bad seed for weather polearm best weapon? Wolf healing system Half and half please help: how to spawn surtling fire geyser with dev commands? Bridge Engineering Issue Wolf Massacre Skeletons in my rack G-Portal loses all server date, for the second time! Перенос сервера Spear Attack Change. Private serwer to public server 1 or more bases? Minimalist camps for save points and exploring Valheim Steam cloud error Hearing "Chooks" in Valheim GPU Heating best server hosting for valheim? The Sea Serpant Small updates everyday? I might be crazy... is there anyone else out there seeing what i see? Is there something wrong with me Can you ban console items from the Server? Day 84 and found a great place to make a base. How to make roof supports. Is there a mod to make nighttime more dangerous? What is one thing you love about the game? I wish We could Farm Thistles building an additional base Как убрать интерфейс? When valheim can be on sale? Pre-expansion world questions I beat the game in 37 days! Here's my story: Thanks to my merciful theoretical mechanics teacher! Wow. Hearth, Iron Cooking Station and Comfort Level???